ME Sport Psychology
What is Sport and Exercise Psychology?
Sport and Exercise psychology looks to drive performing excellence, facilitate performer development and to develop a more complete person.

Matt Ernest
Sport and Exercise Psychologist (in Training)
BSc Sport and Exercise Science
University of Derby
MSc Sport and Exercise Science
Loughborough University
Sport and Exercise Psychology Accreditation Route (SEPAR)
The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)
About me:
Sport and exercise has been everpresent throughout my life, playing football up to an youth academy level continuing to play socially before discovering my passion for running in the last 3 years.
I went off to University with a desire to pursue a career in sport but I was unsure what this would look like, it was during my second year where I discovered my passion for Sport and Exercise Psychology which has fascinated me since.
With my previous experience as a Sports Coach, Health Coach as well as other developmental roles, I want to help other performers reach their goals in whatever way this presents itself.